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    • Dag 20


      9 januari 2020, Danmark ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      We had pretty crappy rainy weather in Copenhagen but I like this city. It’s our first city (not including the Swiss Alps) off the tourist path after the peak(ish) season had finished, so it was relatively chill, and the Danes are pretty relaxed, friendly...and generally quite good looking. I felt bad finding myself having a cheeky glance at a few of the Scandinavian babes, but then I caught Lauren doing the same with the blokes, so then I didn’t feel so bad...Läs mer

    • Dag 61

      Kopenhagen im Schnelldurchlauf

      13 september 2022, Danmark ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück sind wir um 10 in Kopenhagen angekommen. Um 11 fuhr mein Zug, dadurch hatte ich nicht viel Zeit, aber auf dem Weg vom Hafen zum Bahnhof bin ich trotzdem noch an den Top Sehenswürdigkeiten entlang gekommen.
      Außerdem hatte ich auch noch Zeit über die berühmte Fahrradbrücke von Kopenhagen zu fahren.
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    • Dag 13

      Interlude II - Goodbye Scandinavia

      16 september 2023, Danmark ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Our final day in Denmark started with a breakfast buffet, we then packed up our hostel pods and realized we didn't have many clean socks left and decided to do some laundry. While our clothes were washing we headed to the Lego store to browse some overpriced colourful plastic.

      Once our clothes were clean and dry we headed for a day of carnival fun at the 19th century amusement park: Tivoli Gardens.
      The first ride we partook was the 63m golden Tower, which was just a ride to the top to drop straight down - with the adrenaline pumping we knocked out some other rides, including a looptoloop rollercoaster and a 80m high carousel.

      As a post adrenaline snack we enjoyed a fairy floss icecream burrito... it was as strange and messy as it sounds.

      Once we had enough of the crotch goblins running around and fun we headed to another free activity, Ripley's believe it or not! And the attached H.C Anderson Experience. This was a fun way to pass the time.

      We gathered some snacks for dinner and headed back to the hostel to eat and enjoy some free beer.

      We went for another walk before preparing to catch our 9:55pm bus which will take us overnight with an arrival to Berlin at 7am tomorrow.

      Seeya in Berlin!

      Step count
      Both: Around 23k
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    • Dag 12

      Royal flush

      15 september 2023, Danmark ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today started off with an iced coffee and a venture around Rosenborg Castle, one of the most well preserved Renaissance castles in the world, it was built in 1606 and was absolutely stunning - definitely lifted our expectations for our future residence. Down below the castle in the basement it contained many treasures and the impressive crown jewels and historical weapons of Denmark which were on display.

      We then headed to The Round Tower (Rundetaarn) which is a 17th century tower that boasted some nice views from the top, and what was more impressive was that it had a equestrian staircase - which is just a slope rather than stairs.

      After looking at the tops of houses, we had a roll and some stolen Nutella for lunch while we battle planned our next move.

      The travel card we purchased to give us free entry to all the attractions also gave us entry to Guinness World Records Museum, which we thought would be a nice palette cleanser from all the old history we'd seen so far.

      After seeing some current history facts, we decided to head to another castle. This time we ventured to Christiansborg Palace, and the first stop here was checking out the ruins under the castle of what remained from the previous 2 castles (both burnt down?) We also checked out the royal stables, the royal kitchen and the Royal Representation Rooms (which are still used by the royal family) where we had to don some fancy shoe coverings.

      After looking at more old things we got peckish and had a national Danish dish - the Smørrebrød, which is just an open faced sandwich on rye bread. Phill has been rating national foods we try so maybe at the end of each country we'll have a section at the bottom with his ⭐ ratings.

      Also included on our city card was an hour ferry tour of Copenhagen, so we jumped on a boat and saw all the sites. Including the famous little mermaid statue. Apparently the writer of the book H.C Anderson is Denmarks most famous citizen, so they love to reference mermaids.

      The sun had started to set by this time and it was getting cold, so we headed back to the hostel to get our jackets before we headed out for our nighttime stroll and snack.

      Tonights snack was expensive disappointing chips and churros with white chocolate, Oreos and ice cream.

      Last day in Denmark tomorrow!

      Step count
      Both: 31k
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    • Dag 11


      14 september 2023, Danmark ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Today we awoke to the sounds of construction under our level on the ferry, but thankfully the top bunk didn't collapse. We pulled ourselves out of bed and enjoyed an all you can eat breakfast, where Phill singlehandedly ate more danish pastries then there are Danish citizens.

      After debarkation, we started exploring immediately, our first stop Kastellet - a star shaped 17th century fortress with ramparts and a museum. After getting distracted with some other sites we then made it to Amalienborg, which is made up of four identical rococo buildings that have made up the royal Family's residence since 1794. At this time we'd been hiking around with our packs on for 4 hours and we were ready for a break, so we headed to our hostel and dropped the bags in a locker before heading to a walking tour. Politically incorrect walking tours was the name of the walk, and it was 1.5 hours of our tour guide Thor (his name translated to English was Thors hammer shaft) explaining sites and the history while dissing every other country he could.

      After the tour we headed to finally check on to our hostel. Tonight is another shared bunk room, so hopefully our roomies are more pleasant then our previous experience.

      We had a pizza buffet for dinner, then went to the in-house bar for a pub quiz, where we didn't do amazingly thanks to the US based questions.

      We finished the night off with a late night walk to finally hit 30k steps.

      Step count
      Phill: 32,000
      Bec: 31,470
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    • Dag 28

      The Return to Denmark aka The Clean Up

      25 juli 2023, Danmark ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      92km 🚗 & 🇸🇪 🚢 🇩🇰

      A practical domestic / auto day: Taking apart my car camping equipment and dropping it off in various places en route to Copenhagen 🇩🇰

      It felt a bit undercover as there were several places I "made a drop" as if trying to make it tricky to track me ... 🕵️‍♀️

      Not to mention negotiations with Danish petrol stations - you have to put your bank card in first and tell them how many liters you wish to purchase. If you end up purchasing less they refund the difference. This was not written anywhere and the party at the pump cycled through the information too quickly for my Google translate 🫣

      Ended up having to find a second petrol station as the first one was waiting on replacement parts for their car wash 🙄

      A drink on the rooftop bar was a great way to relax into the evening before joining other travelers for the hostel taco night: 2x Sweden, 1x France, 1x Germany and 2x Australia, 1x NZ. I was the oldest by a good 20yrs 😆
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    • Dag 3

      Politically Incorrect Tour Copenhagen

      30 juni 2023, Danmark ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      It was a whirlwind day with a walking tour that lived up to its name.

      On the tour I met and chatted with people from the hostel: an Australian, 3x Americans, 1x Brazilian, 1.x Austrian and 1x German. The picture taking opportunities were swift as we had a lot of ground and history to cover.

      Nobody likes the Swedish was the upshot!

      Sebastian, half Danish, half Italian gave us a 90min stand up show whilst dashing around the city.

      Did make it to see The Little Mermaid statue and contemplated boats in a marina to calm down afterwards 🤯

      The Best Hotdog in Copenhagen was enjoyed around 3pm!
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    • Dag 727


      23 augusti 2022, Danmark ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      In welcher Kleidung hier Velo gefahren wird... Männer im Anzug mit Kravatte und blank geputzten Schuhen...Frauen in langen Kleidern, die sich bei mir in der Kette verheddern würden...FlipFlops oder Highheels, mit denen ich noch nicht mal von der Küche bis zum Bad laufen könnte🙈 Und alle ohne Helm. Am Helm erkennen sie vermutlich die Touristen, die das Radwegsystem nicht begreifen. Ich gebe zu, mancherorts bin ich überfordert. Obwohl sogar auf dem Stadtplan die 3 wichtigen Handzeichen erklärt sind: Rechts/Links ist ja klar...aber wenn du mal kurz anhalten willst...uuuunbedingt eine Hand hochheben...nach wütendem Geklingel und Geschimpfe habe auch ich es begriffen🙋‍♀️

      Die Flaniermeile Nyhavn ist wirklich hübsch, aber auch wirklich voll...die Shoppingmeile endlos, aber auch endlos voll...die kleine Meerjungfrau ist wirklich klein und wird im Minutentakt von Reisebussen angefahren😆

      ...im Hafenbecken ist ein Pool eingerichtet...sünnele tut man überall, wo es möglich ist...👙
      ...in der Freistadt Christiania wohnt man schön bunt und hat einen eigenen "Cannabis-Markt". Fotografieren verboten😉 Vor der "Sunshine-Bakery" hat unser Strassenhund blitzschnell das am Boden liegende Guetzli entdeckt und gefressen. Ich hoffe, es war kein Hasch-Guetzli...naja...noch irrer kann sie eh nicht werden🤣

      Und ja...wir haben auch die schönen Gebäude, die Kirchen, die Wachablösung, die Gärten und Schlösser von Kopenhagen gesehen. Bilder hierzu findet ihr zuhauf im Internet...😉(Anke)
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    • Dag 31

      Hop and hop off KOPENHAGEN

      11 september 2022, Danmark ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Ein bißchen Touri spielen schadet nicht und gibt einen guten Einblick in die grösse und Lage der Stadt. Drum ab die Post und hop hop rein in einen dieser roten Buße.
      War mal was anderes einen Chauffeur für mich fahren zu lassen und dazu noch jegliche Infos über diese exorbitante Stadt zu erhalten. Leider weiss ich bereits nicht mehr viel davon, aber was solls, ich will ja nicht bleiben🙈😆
      Übrigens hab ich während diesen 31 Tagen sage und schreib, erst das vierte mal "fremdgegessen" nicht dass es eine Rolle spielen würde, aber fürs Protokoll will ich es trotzdem festhalten.🤣
      Nebenbei... heute fand in Kopenhagen die Weltmeisterschaft im Baum klettern so wie die Feier für die Königin Margrethe ll. 👑 zu ihrem 50. Trohnjubiläum statt.🍾🎉🎉😆
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    • Dag 22

      Seejungfrau und Soldaten

      7 september 2019, Danmark ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Bei der weiteren Zugfahrt durchkreuzen wir unser geliebtes Heimatland 🙂 nochmal und kommen am frühen Morgen in Kopenhagen an.
      Dass wir einige hundert Kilometer zurückgelegt und das Land gewechselt haben merken wir kaum.
      Hier ist vieles ähnlich wie in den Niederlanden.
      So gibt es viele Radfahrer und eine entsprechende Infrastruktur und jede Menge Wasser. Die Menschen sind freundlich und sogar die Sprache scheint uns ähnlich. Nur das Wetter ist heute besser.
      Zunächst wandern wir vorbei an den königlichen Gebäuden zur kleinen Meerjungfrau, die am Morgen noch nicht von all zuvielen Touristen umlagert wird. Weiter geht es am Wasser entlang und wir stoßen auf ein Marketingevent der dänischen Marine.
      Wir lassen uns die Möglichkeit Kriegsschiffe und Militärfahrzeuge von innen anzusehen nicht entgehen. Allerdings hinterlässt das Arsenal von Tötungsmaschinen eher gemischte Gefühle bei uns wobei das Personal sehr nett ist.
      Auf dem Weg zurück zum Bahnhof sehen wir noch mehr schöne Bauten und Wasserwege, entdecken Bademöglichkeiten und Fitness Anlagen.
      Kopenhagen vermittelt eine entspannte, positive Atmosphäre und wird uns in guter Erinnerung bleiben.
      Am Nachmittag fahren wir über den Öresund weiter nach Schweden.
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    Du kanske också känner till platsen med följande namn:

    København, Kobenhavn, Copenhagen municipality, Københavns Kommune, København kommune, Köpenhamn

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