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    • Day 21

      Ein Tag in Marbella

      April 24 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Wir haben es tatsächlich geschafft den Campingplatz um 10:30 Uhr zu verlassen (und nichts zu vergessen) und der Linienbus fuhr pünktlich ab.
      In der Stadt ging es dann direkt in die Altstadt. Überschaubar, schnuckelig, ruhig und schön - und weniger Touristen als in Ronda 🙏🏼
      Wir sind geschlendert, haben uns einiges angesehen, Freddi hat Spaghetti Bolognese aus dem Gläschen gespeist, waren im Alameda-Park, am Strand, Füße im Wasser, haben Affogato getrunken und Paella gegessen. Während wir Freddi am Anfang noch mit Latz gefüttert haben, hat er sich am Ende des Tages mit Banane und Sand am Strand paniert und ist durch die Gassen der Altstadt gekrabbelt… die Spanier meinten, so bleibt er gesund. Hoffen wir es mal! 😂🙏🏼
      Morgen gibts nen Strand- bzw. Faulenzer-Tag!
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    • Day 6

      A Relaxing Saturday

      March 4, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      What a nice day this Saturday in Spain turned out to be. A bit of shopping then home planning my next destination after Spain.

      But I did get to the Municipal Market for my paella. I had to wait a few minutes but the proprietor did remember me. So I took a few minutes to walk the market, inspect the various seafood stands and purchased vegetables for tomorrow's dinner.

      When I returned there were two containers filled with paella. I paid about €7 using my European debit card and rushed home to eat. I devoured one container saving the other for tonite.

      Oh and was it ever the best paella I have eaten. Maybe I was just hungry? No it was deliciously excellent! The picture does not convey well the lovely texture, taste or aroma. I thought about plating it for a nice photograph but I was too inpatient. So I ate right out of the container! No time to lose.

      I am home for the evening with plenty of food. Tomorrow I am meeting a best friend of my younger sister Elsa for lunch at the beach. An easy weekend allowing the calmness of time to revitalize me.
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    • Day 29

      Marbella, End of the Line

      March 27, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      My final three days in Spain. Marbella has been a restful place living here this past month of March. I have been immersed in a different culture which was my primary reason for spending so much time here. Indeed I have been saturated with Spain so much that I am now ready to move on. But have learned that next time I will hope city to city instead on staying in one place.
      However, Marbella is a resort oriented town so beyond the initial introduction to the city there isn’t much to do. A lager city would have offered more entertainment. What I love about Chicago is it’s vibrant music scene. That seems nonexistent in Marbella although the summer will bring Rod Stewart to play at an outdoor venue. Ugh! I haven’t even found record store.
      Additionally, Marbella is filled with expats from Europe including a lot of Russians and Eastern Europeans. Some are permanent resident with strong roots back home others are visiting. They probably go to Puerto Banus or Cala de Mijas. But certainly they all come for the weather, the good standard of living, and the Spanish laid back culture.
      Yes lunch at 2-2:30; dinner at 8:30-9. Prime time programming doesn’t seem to start until about 10 pm. The surrounding building apartments are lit up well past midnight. When I awake at 6:30 or 7 its a ghost town with all the apartments dark. Life usually starts if not ( Am then 10 AM.
      The condo I am staying at is well appointed in the center of town, grocery stores, markets, shops, beaches and restaurants all within walking distance. Even the gym I have been going to three times a week is just around the corner. So a car, in which we Americans spend so much of our lives in has been unnecessary. Of course I did rent to get up to Granada, Córdoba and Ronda but could have just as easily commuted to those cities using the Spanish train system RENFE as I did for Sevilla
      So what do I think of Spain? I love it. The people are friendly and warm. The food is wonderful. The tapas particularly are a good way to not overeat. The climate here has been terrific. Early in the month the nights were cool but now that Spring is finally here the temps do not dip below 60. And they are a pleasant 75 during the day. The sun shines everyday no wonder this is called the Costa del Sol. The transportation system is top notch allowing me to get to any city in Spain or beyond the Spanish borders by train if I so desire. The local buses are clean, run on time, and are inexpensive $1.25.
      In contrast gas is around $6.00 per gallon which is probably why most cars are small. Scooters and motorcycles are ubiquitous but nothing like the horde of motor scooters seen in Rome. I must add that the discipline of the drivers (no left lane bandits) and the courtesy given to pedestrians at cross walks is incredible. Similar to what I have experienced in Germany or the UK. Maybe hitting a pedestrian will ruin or bankrupt you.
      Marbella streets and sidewalks are constantly being cleaned. But those in other cities were well maintained. Tourism drive a lot of this economy. There are street beggars, huskers and the lookie lookies but overall the economy seems to run well. There is a strong environmental emphasis especially now that the war in Ukraine has driven up utilities.
      Television programming available in this condo has been limited of course. So I have watched mostly news and games shows. Male newscasters wearing neckties are out. A smart casual look is preferred both by men and women. One in particular, a word game show has increased my vocabulary a bit. The news programming is typical of news feeds, politics, fútbal, the Royal Family, fraud, taxes, healthcare, environment, crime. But no gun violence crimes have been reported until today, Nashville. When will we learn? Everyone here is horrified. I’ve been asked about it but have no answers. My trainer Fernando does say that special licensing is needed to own a firearm but it doesn’t include semi or automatic rifles. There are guns in the black market and these are usually involved in family disputes or drug related deaths.
      One story recently centered on the king’s daughter who will be the first female monarch to lead the Spanish Armed Forces.
      It has been a good experience spending this much time in a foreign country. We Americans do love visiting France and Italy but I strongly recommend Spain. The history, culture, people, cuisine are all worth it.
      The shorts and polos are packed the warmer clothing is ready. I’ll have a new entry after settling in Berlin in the next few days.

      Fun news today. King Philip VI and the Queen visiting Cádiz came upon a plaza with a group of box drummers whom they both joined. The King turned out to keep a good rhythm going. So there is good news to be had.
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    • Day 7

      A Cool Rain Fell on Marbella

      March 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Sunday afternoon I was invited by family friends to lunch on the beach at a place called La Red. Bryan and Lidia picked me up in their long wheel based Jaguar. Feeling like British royalty ensconced in the rear seat off we went. It was a sunny afternoon and the beach restaurants were crowded especially since it was lunch time 2:30 pm. A Sunday tradition - paella!
      We managed a table and ordered drinks and Paella Mixta for three. Mixta consist of both seafood and land proteins typically chicken and/or some sort of pork sausage. It was a beautiful presentation and we hastily ate with abandon. But couldn't finish it all so I took home the remaining portion, about a fifth of the dish.
      From there went by car to Puerto Banus the Monaco of Spain whose harbor is filled with multimillion dollar yachts and whose streets are cruised my six figure + automobiles. Not a Toyota or Nissan in sight not even a Tesla. The stores required a loaded wallet with platinum credit cards and most likely a credit score verification check! But we managed coffee at a small harbor front cafe within my spending limit.
      Puerto Banus is the playground of very wealthy Arabs. Millionaires and billionaires.
      Sunday evening I couldn't think of eating anymore. The weather was turning colder and the clouds began hiding the mountain tops. An Atlantic front was reaching the coast with 100% rain forecasted. So I stayed in and found The Handmaid's Tale streaming on Prime. Having wanted to see this series for sometime and liking Elizabeth Moss acting ability I tuned in. She was was really good in Shining Girls which I recommend.
      Monday was wet, cold and dreary. The incessant rain not letting up. The mountains to the north still shrouded in fog. Not much to do or see. So after a vigorous hour long workout I did not venture out again. Luckily I had planned farmers market run on Saturday enabling me to able to prepare a tasteful vegetarian dish of Japanese eggplant, yellow bell peppers, red onion, a red spicy pepper, and garlic with a good pinch of sea salt sautéed in Spanish extra virgin olive oil. It was perfect.
      The veggies and fruit from this organic market are locally grown. I found the pears, plums and bananas to have a very earthy flavor. I could literally taste the earth they were grown in. It was so different from the usual fruits that I purchase at big box markets.
      Taking a break from The Handmaids I turned to watch Spanish news programing. Elections are coming up and the biggest story from the weekend is a bill up for approval to increase the penalties for sexual abuse of women and the transgendered minorities rights. It was reported that the increasing rate of female homicides particularly by boyfriends or husbands is serious enough to enact stiffer laws.
      The political parties including the Spanish Socialist Workers Party, Podemos Party, Party of the Citizenry, The People's Party and the VOX Party have voiced their opinions. The parties representatives make up the Spanish Congress of Deputies and Senate. All parties are in agreement that more needs to be done to protect women's rights with large protest marches over the weekend in the major cities across Spain. The only party opposed to the legislation is the VOX party. No surprise here as it the conservative party. I fail to understand its reasoning and support.
      Tomorrow Tuesday the rains are to subside and the sun returns. The forecast is for clear skies with no rain for the week ahead with daytime temperature in the 70s.
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    • Day 21

      Two Mighty Land Masses

      March 19, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      Sunday afternoon under a clear, very blue sky and sea as gulls flew overhead their calls carried through the warm air I stopped to gaze at the horizon. In the distance visible to my eyes this sunny day were two sibling continents. Continents which are slowly inching towards reunification. Today their distance allows the sea to join the ocean beyond. In some distant future this great sea witness to history will become land locked.
      This is the Strait of Gibraltar.
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    • Day 33

      Arrivée sur le Toï

      December 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Nous y sommes enfin !

      Hier soir, nous avons mis les pieds sur le fameux un mât fin comme un oiseau joliment nommé Toï !
      Ce dériveur lesté de 9m de long nous portera fièrement jusqu'aux îles Canaries au cours des 7-10 prochains jours 🥰
      Avec sa coque en acier, pas peur des orques !
      On en a profité pour faire les courses ce matin (pas facile de ramener 10j de courses sur les vélos..😅)
      Nous larguerons donc les amarres demain matin profitant d'un vent (enfin) extrêmement favorable de presque 20 noeuds ! 💨
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    • Day 6

      Entlang der Strandpromenade

      October 6, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Vom Park ging’s dann durch die Avenida del Mar, vorbei an den Statuen Esculturas de Dalí zum Meer. Die Avenida ist eine breite und schön angelegte Allee zur Promenade. Ein Highlight der berühmten Avenida Del Mar sind die 10 Bronzeskulpturen des Künstlers Salvador Dalí . Eines der Werke ist unter anderem Perseus, viele der anderen haben wir nicht erkannt. Von der Allee ging’s zur Promenade und diese aufwärts bis wir auf den Leuchtturm von Marbella gestoßen sind. Genau als wir an der Promenade angekommen waren, fing es ganz kurz zu tröpfeln an. Genau so schnell wie die sehr dunklen von den Bergen gekommen waren, waren sie aber auch wieder zurück in den Bergen und es war wieder sonnig. Vom Leuchtturm sind wir dann nochmal etwas Richtung Stadtzentrum bis zum Park der Verfassung. Von dort aus sind wir dann mit knurrenden Magen zurück zum Auto. Für die ungefähr 1,5 Stunden die wir hier waren hieß es dann 4,40€ zahlen und lediglich zwei Städte weiter nach Westen, wo wir uns ein Restaurant rausgesucht hatten.Read more

    • Day 10


      February 28 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Tja... Marbella... was sollen wir sagen. Wir sind hier angekommen und ein durchkommen zu dem von uns ausgesuchten Parkhaus war nicht möglich, weil es Straßensperrungen gab. Einen freien Parkplatz haben wir nicht gefunden und somit das nächste passende Parkhaus genommen. Den Preis dafür verraten wir aber nicht 😜🙈🙈🤣
      Einchecken im Hotel hat super geklappt und nach einer kurzen Pusse sind wir zur Strandpromendade, um ein wenig zu bummeln.... und dann wurde uns das ganze Ausmaß bewusst: heute ist "Andalusien Day". D.h. ein Feiertag und dementsprechend die Hölle los... das bummeln entwickelt sich zum Ausweichen der anderen Menschen. Auch zwei Vino Blanco machen die Sache nicht besser 🙄 nach einiger Zeit erreichen wir wieder unser Hotelzimmer und brauchen erstmal eine Pause von dem Trubel. Soviel sind wir gar nicht mehr gewohnt - und ja auch noch nie Fans davon gewesen 😉 Wir stellen die Etappe Marbella schon in Frage.

      Aber dann abends machen wir uns auf und erkunden die Altstadt und Marbella bekommt für uns ganz viel Charme zurück, den wir vorher vermisst haben. Viele Gassen, viele Kneipen, liebevoll zurechtgemacht und wir sehen nur einen kleine Teil davon. Wir sind wieder verzaubert und haben unglaublich viel Spaß beim Bummel durch die Gassen.

      Alles was dann noch folgt, sind kulinarische Highlights 😋👌 wir landen in zwei unglaublich tollen Pinten und haben wirklich Glück. Die Menschen stehen draußen Schlange oder essen im Stehen und wir haben gerade noch die letzten Hocker mit Tisch abbekommen 😊🫶 es folgen viele kleine Delikatessen 😋 und die Portionen sind klein und vom Preis angemessen, ganz anders, als wie wir das hier erwartet haben 👍 die erste Pinte serviert und einen Rotwein, der natürlich gekeltert wurde und ohne Sulfite auskommt, dementsprechend trüb ist er auch
      .. geschmacklich aber ganz besonders 💕
      Lasst euch einfach von den Fotos verzaubern. Ich denke diese sprechen für sich ❤️😍❤️
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    • Day 1


      November 12, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Nach emnä entspanntä Flug vo züri uf malaga heimer üsä Fiat 500 in empfang gno. Gmüetlech simer de lostuckerlet uf Marbella. Dert simer durch die härzigä Gässli gschländeret u hei der Blick ufs Meer u d Sunnä gnossä. Natürlech hei die tollä Tapas nid dörfä fählä. Am Abä simer im Restaurant Rais toll ga ässä u hei üsä erscht feriä tag la usklingä.Read more

    • Day 43


      February 7 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Heute haben wir mit dem Mietwagen einen Ausflug gemacht.
      Zuerst ging es nach Marbella.
      Natürlich ging es wieder in unsere Lieblings Tapas Bar.
      Auch wenn man kein Fan von Salvadore Dali ist, die Skulpturen in Marbella kann man schon anschauen.
      Die Blumen geschmückten und grün bewachsenen Häuser in Spaniens Altstädten faszinieren mich immer wieder aufs neue.
      Zum Schluss noch ein bisschen Bummeln am Strand.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Marbella, ماربيا, Горад Марбелля, Марбеля, Μαρβέγια, ماربلا, Մարբելյա, QRL, マルベーリャ, Марбeлья, 마르베야, Marbelja, 29600, Марбелья, मार्बेल्ला, Марбеља, ماربیا, 马贝拉

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