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    • Day 18

      Paella, chicken, rabbit & snails

      September 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Woo hoo today was the day. Downloaded the app for the local taxi, put in our address and waited. Showing the taxi only 9 mins away. Then a phone call, lady I am at address…ahh nope ya aren’t. What address, I read it out to him, “I no understand, I am at the address you put in….” ahhh nope ya aren’t. “Lady, look at me” Nope can’t see ya…
      Seems the app did not put the address I put into it, put something completely different. Had to send him a photo of the sign on the street and he said I will be 10 mins. We are now down to 25 mins till the start of the cooking class!!!!!!!!!!
      We showed each other our screens when he finally arrived and yes totally different address. Told him his app is crap, he agreed. We chatted for awhile and then he mentioned NZ Cricket, so told him I know Tim Southees father and Trent Bolts mother (sort of do ya know) WELL was he happy, started talking cricket and Kel could chime in with some cricket greats… all was well with the world. He got us to the venue in time. We met up with the group and Jose took us through the history of Paella. Did you know Paella means a pan… and they kept saying we are very simple in Valencia, the home of Paella (not Barcelona as everyone thinks) we use words for multiple things.
      The Mercado de Ruzafa was amazing. Veges galore, fish, meat, cheese, olives and gastro delight.
      They went through the ingredients we would need and as we were in the Chicken,Rabbit and Snail Paella group we went around getting ingredients (not that we selected them) they had them back at the restaurant. The seafood Paella group had two types of prawns, cuttlefish, mussels.
      So off we walked to the restaurant… just a little jaunt around the city.
      Christina (the guide for the other group) and Anna the chef were waiting for us all. Anna was a vivacious Spanish woman, loud and fun. They made Sangria and gave us all a glass and told us how to do ‘cheers’ in Spanish. Salute! They had made Tapas of Potata Bravas, Mussels (cooked deliciously and we have the recipe) Manchingo Cheese, Serano Ham (related to prosciutto) and pickled Olives. OMG it was delicious. We could keep on eating them and drinking the Sangria.
      So the process began, god they cooked the hell out of the chicken and rabbit (we thought) Beans were fried and kept in as well for the whole time. When anything was added the added salt too. Gees it was salty when they got us to do a taste of the stock.
      We will definitely be jazzwardoing it up. At the end of the cooking, and it took quite some time, they gave us a shot of Cervero (just like Zambuca) and did another traditional ‘cheers’. She was a good drop I tell ya. Beth and I LOVED it. Another one would of been great. I quite like that Sangria, so had a few whilst the cooking was happening. Beth kept putting her glass down cos it was getting ‘dangerous’ as it was so delicious. Susie and Kel weren’t fussed on it though.
      Lunch was served. No you can’t have both types of Paella, you have the one your group cooked. Damn! So on the plate is 3 snails….oooooo not too sure about that, but anyway I ate them, Beth too, Susie only ate 1 and Kel 0… who are the gastronomic delights huh?
      To be fair the chicken was as dry as BoBo Faulkners Armpit, and would love to have added some other flavour, yes Josh we all will bastardise the recipe.
      3 hours later our Paella Cooking class was finished. We had a fabulous time and thoroughly enjoyed it.
      Off to the supermarket to restock our pantry and home to lie about the pool, read books and basically just loll about.
      Easy dinner tonight, garlic bread, cheese in the oven and other delights Kel is pulling together. Beth has converted me to Vodka, lime lemon mint and water… Susie and Kel having a Sauv Blanc.
      another successful day. 💕
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    • Day 5

      Valencia die 2.

      April 8 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Den sonntag haben stephan und ich fast ausschließlich auf dem radl verbracht. Zuerst haben wir auf eigene faust die stadt und den strand erkundet. Dann haben wir an einer geführten biketour teilgenommen. Grüsse und dank an unseren guide eduardo☺️ diese stadt hat einfach soviel zu bieten, ich kann sie nur jedem empfehlen! Abends tapas gegessen und noch kurz im hoteleigenen„spa“ gewesen. Freundlich ausgedrückt: sie sollten damit keine werbung machen😂
      Heut morgen gings früh raus und an den flughafen. Stephan hab ich schon verabschiedet (nochmal 1000 dank mein freund😘😘). Jetz sitze ich im terminal und warte auf meine 2 süßen. Bin so gdspannt, wie freddi und silli den flug überstanden haben. Ich werde berichten!!
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    • Day 22

      Such a good day all round

      September 25, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Well it was up and at ‘em today. Susie, Beth and I off to Valencia to shop, Kel and Lulu to go into L’Eliana to have a mooch about.
      We managed to find the place they went to yesterday by showing the taxi driver a photo…Si si…blah blah place. yup off we go.
      Brunch at Cappacino, what a place. Waiters in bow ties, the place was amazing, ambience fabulous. Food was delicious. Suzie did get a surprise when her vienna cappacino arrived with a mountain of cream on top 🫢
      The shopping had some fine purchases made by all. I love my spaghetti strap dresses at last!. Finale was getting some grocery items and yet more Rose and a quick taxi ride home.
      No sign of the two walkers, but yes they had found a shopping mall.
      Our Lulu loves a hairdresser thrown into the mix, and despite me buying some scissors for the requested hair snip, she managed to get her hair coloured and cut, and her nails done all for less than €50 for the lot. Kel had her nails done too and they enjoyed a delicious tapas lunch.
      Home for all and swim and sunbath, modelling of newly bought items done, settled in for our final night with pizza and sausages. Trying to sort out what was left, what to bin and what to take. Rubbish taken out to the neighbourhood rubbish bins (fantastic system they have here) in our nighties… sneaking in the darkness amidst giggles and laughter. Great last night in spain, Sardinia here we come.
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    • Day 21

      L’Eliana is a quiet town

      September 24, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Another not so busy day for me. I decided to walk into the township, try and counterbalance the lovely food we have been having. 5.5km round trip and that included looking around the place. It seems it maybe place for elderly people (saw a few on walkers and out walking their dogs) and some joggers so probably a mixture. Not alot of shops in the town (and certainly not open on Sunday 😢 but plenty of cafes. Had a lovely brekkie, bread with fresh chopped tomato and avocado, was delicious. Gave up waiting and hoping that the couple of dress shops I found would open and walked back to our place. First few pics are what I saw in the township.
      The girls had gone to Valencia to do the Hop on Hop off bus and were seriously not impressed. Earphones not working (even though they went upstairs to try those ones after complaining downstairs were static) and they had seen only commercial area after 4 stops so went down and demanded a refund!
      They saw a parade of girls, but not sure what it was about, whether they are for sale? or in a beauty pagaent! Few pics of Valencia they saw of the old part of town.
      Lunch was delicious by all accounts, fish, sardines, calamari…. quite happy I had my empanada and fruit tart back here.
      Bonus on being alone, I could have a rudey nudey swim. Bliss! Last day tomorrow in this gorgeous weather.
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    • Day 18

      A day of doing nothing

      September 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Beth and I got up and went for a short walk this morning but her knee was giving her jip so back to the house. By tacit agreement all 4 decided that a day in the sun and swimming was gonna be the order of the day, so that is exactly what we did.
      Lounging about, reading, chatting. Pure bliss.
      Louise arrives tonight and we are looking forward to hearing about her adventures.
      Might be another chillaxing day tomorrow too 😜
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    • Day 60

      Valencia 🇪🇸

      November 2, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      2 Monate sind um👏🏻💪🛳toller Abschied… von der MS Europa ( ich komme wieder 😉🥰) und nun ein Upgrade … vamos a la Playa☀️🏝…es geht morgen in die Karibik✈️…🛳🏝☀️

    • Day 1

      Tschüss Hamburg - Vamos a Valencia

      October 6, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Jannes und ich haben heute unsere Sprachreise nach Valencia angetreten. Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein haben wir Hamburg verlassen und konnten wundervolle Bilder von der Stadt machen.

      Nach einem Flug via Stuttgart - das wir wegen eines technischen Defekts mit einer Verspätung von einer Stunde verlassen haben - sind wir nun gut in Valencia angekommen und sitzen in der Metro Richtung City.Read more

    • Day 1

      Endlich angekommen in Valencia

      June 1 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Wow was war denn das bitte für eine Anreise. Auf die Nervenkitzel hätte ich gern verzichten können. Durch vieles Daumen drücken von daheim hat alles funktioniert. Meine Sporteinheit habe ich durch den Gatewechsel auch hinter mir. Ein Flughafen kann schon groß sein, wenn man es eilig hat. Im kleinem Flugzeug gab es dann natürlich zwei Babys die um die Wette geschrieen haben. Da hatte ich schon ein wenig Mitleid. Beim Flug gabs einen wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang/Himmel. In Valencia angekommen hat Paula schon auf mich freudig gewartet. Nach einem halben Jahr durfte ich sie endlich wieder in die Arme schließen. Nun heißt es ab in die WG fahren (wir brauchen ca. 30min mitn Zug) und dann Schlafplatz einrichten, ankommen, duschen und ab ins Träumeland. Ab morgen wird eine Woche der spanische Lifestyle inhaliert.

      Wuhuuu Koffer fehlt ...natürlich
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    • Day 5

      Despedida de Violeta ✈️

      March 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Cumpleaños de Mamá 🎂😃🎁 Le damos un par de regalitos y le cantamos el Cumpleaños Feliz 🎉

      Es el momento de llevar a Violeta al aeropuerto. Desayunamos y nos despedimos de nuestro amigo, el Chino Meihao 😆

      Ahora sí, nos despedimos de Violeta en el aeropuerto de Valencia, con suficiente antelación para asegurarnos de que no pierda su vuelo 😁✈️
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    • Day 1

      Llegada de Alejandro a Valencia 🛬

      March 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Un nuevo viaje, un nuevo show.

      🚙💨💨💨💨💨 Mamá y Papá llegan al apartamento de Valencia sobre las 17h y dejan el equipaje. Parece que han encontrado un lugar cercano para dejar el coche y les gusta la humilde morada donde vamos a dormir 😄

      Yo planeo llegar temprano al aeropuerto (por primera vez en mi vida) y va a hacer un sol estupendo en Valencia por lo que todo pinta bien hasta que voy a salir a la calle y está lloviendo.

      Solo voy a estar en la calle de camino al metro pero aún así me doy la vuelta y cojo el paraguas con la mala suerte de que deja de llover a los 2 minutos de estar en la calle, justo en el momento que se veo que se me ha desaparecido una rueda de la maleta 🥲🥲🥲

      Esto no ha hecho nada más que empezar y auguro un viaje lleno de complicaciones #staypositive

      Lo único que me alegra es que Violeta va calentando motores para llegar mañana con fuerza a Valencia 🍺

      Mamá NO PARA de mandar audios sobre lo que no le gusta del barrio y del apartamento, nada nuevo 😃

      El vuelo (con TAP) se atrasa para variar pero Violeta me ameniza la espera con una videollamada 😄🤳🏼

      La cama del apartamento debe ser cómoda porque mis queridos padres no se dignan a recogerme en el aeropuerto. Otra prueba de quién es la hija favorita 🙂

      Es llegar y me doy cuenta de la situación: tenemos una caseta de feria en frente del piso y hay habitaciones que literalmente tiemblan con el ritmo de la música 🤣

      Reencuentro con Mamá y Papá, que están cansados así que nos vamos a nuestra respectivas camas.

      Me consigo dormir sobre las 2 am al ritmo de Quevedo, Mora, Raphael y Shakira 😄
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