United Kingdom
St James's

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    • Day 5

      Sightseeing in London

      August 29, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nach 4 Fahrtagen ist heute ein Tag Pause geplant. Diesen Pausentag möchten wir für ein bisschen Sightseeing in London selbst nutzen.

      Die Entscheidung erst gaaanz in Ruhe zu Frühstücken und damit den Berufspendlern in der Bahn aus dem Weg zu gehen, ist genau die richtige Entscheidung.
      Von Wembley Park aus fahren wir mit der Jubilee Line bis zur London Bridge und gehen die letzten Meter zur Tower Bridge, die wirklich ein Hingucker ist. Dann schlendern wir am Wasser entlang zur Millennium Bridge. Ich finde sie ganz cool, aber meine Mitreisenden sind nur so semi-begeistert.
      Also fahren wir mit der Bahn zum St. James Park und lassen uns einen Mittagssnack im Café des Parks schmecken.
      Beim Buckingham Palace schauen wir natürlich auch vorbei und gehen dann nach einer kurzen Bahnfahrt vom Oxford Circle aus die Regent Street zum Picadilly Circus runter.
      Auf der Einkaufsmeile stocke ich meinen Teevorrat für Daheim wieder auf (Tee kann man einfach nicht genug haben 😄) und beenden dann den Tag ein einem kleinen urigen Pub etwas abseits des Londoner Trubels.

      In Wembley zurück entscheiden wir uns nach einigen Überlegungen in das Restaurant „wagamama“ zu gehen und sind positiv überrascht. Das Essen ist wirklich lecker (asiatische Küche).

      Jetzt freue ich mich aber auch schon auf den morgigen Fahrtag 😃
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    • Party 🎉at the Palace 👑

      June 4, 2022 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      What an absolute honour to be among hundreds of thousands of people, joined together with the common goal of honouring our monarch who has spent 70 years in service to her people! I have never been part of such a well managed, respectable, proud, loving and emotional gathering! It was such a personal emotional and beautiful tribute to Her Majesty! You could feel everybody with open hearts and respect for their Queen 👑

      The entire crowd was full of enthusiasm and so happy! Every single person had a British flag and was waving it madly the entire concert. There were different age groups from people in wheelchairs, on walking sticks to babies and families altogether just happily dancing and enjoying the spectacular event. There were showers during the day but it was like someone had ordered perfect still and calm weather just for the two hour concert. As soon as everyone was home there was rain again! Even the heavens were respectful of our Queen ☀️☀️☀️🌈🌈🌈

      All ages and all races coming together with one common goal… Almost everybody arrived with a bag full of alcohol and food but not once did anybody need to be kept in check or have their bags checked. The Brits 🇬🇧 certainly know how to party without getting messy when it’s called for! The crowd dispersed respectfully and calmly back out into London.

      The crowd went wild for Queen (the band, not the Monarch) who opened the entire concert and other highlights were definitely the theatre tribute, Rod Stewart, Elton and when Charles and William spoke the crowd went wild! When Charles asked everyone to cheer for “Mummy” the roar of the crowd was deafening and wonderful 🥰🎉🇬🇧

      The most poignant moment was when the concert opened with Lizzie & Paddington comparing marmalade sandwiches 🥪 Apparently Her Maj kept this under wraps from even the closest family members! It was beautiful 😍

      Photos simply can’t do the experience justice and it’s hard to convey just how many people were all through St James’s Park and the Mall leading down to Buckingham Palace. All I can say is that it was a dream come true for me and being a part of history is something I will remember forever!

      God save our gracious Queen 👑
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    • Day 4

      London Town

      July 31, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      First day out in the big smoke. The tube was hot, the legs are sore…loved it. Started with a walk around the standard spots: Southbank, Parliament, Downing St, Trafalgar, Piccadilly, Horse Guards, The Mall, Westminster. Explored the Natural History Museum though with some rain and with school holidays it got very busy. The Pliosaur, and the minerals a highlight for me (H). We had our first British pint in South Ken; a Brixton Lager and one “Level Head Session IPA” an ode to St Edmund beheaded by Vikings in 869 (and miraculously re-joined to his body hence the sainthood); appreciated the design for both flavour and the pint glass. Lunch was a cash only buffet in Chinatown, a rushed choice after getting a little too hangry (H again)…we attempted to use old £ notes Mum and Dad gave us from their last trip, but was not accepted hehe. A trip to the bank will be next. Thank goodness for Issy and Livvy who navigated, had extra cash and generally were lovely tour guides!Read more

    • Day 17

      Royal Academy e mais umas voltinhas

      December 29, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      O nosso último dia em Londres começou com a exposição que ditou esta viagem - inicialmente tínhamos pensado em vir (de avião) em outubro ou novembro mas, depois, resolvemos esperar pela Cali e fazer uma viagem inaugural com frio, chuva e muitos quilómetros… para nos adaptarmos logo a todo o tipo de condições, sobretudo para que, no futuro, esse tipo de ‘desculpas’ nunca nos impedissem de viajar nela 😆

      A seguir à exposição passeámos sem destino pelas ruas da cidade, vimos montras, decorações e luzes de Natal e mais alguns ‘spots’ obrigatórios como Piccadilly Circus, Bond Street e as ruas dos teatros do West End.

      Há medida que as ruas começavam, gradualmente, a encher-se de gente e o nosso passeio se tornava um contínuo “excuse me, sorry, excuse me”, decidimos regressar cedinho para o nosso ‘cafunfo’ na Cali, tomarmos o já habitual chá da tarde e picarmos qualquer coisa.

      “Home sweet home”
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    • Day 9


      September 15, 2022 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      London idag, vi har gått runt 27 000 steg, kollat på Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, vi åt lunch i någon park, gick på en gata med massa småaffärer. På kvällen kollade vi Wicked-musical. Mycket bra! På natten gick brandlarmet kl 03:30 så alla vaknade och var irriterade och lät så sjukt högt men det var ingen brand så vi somnade om ett tag efter 😂Read more

    • Day 14

      Another London Day

      September 12, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Tonight I’ll try writing up before going to sleep, while the day is still fresh in my mind.

      So we set off after a fairly late breakfast and took the tube to Hyde Park Corner. We can walk all this (yesterday Amr’s watch said we walked 22 kms!) but decided to save it for the later walking. So we had a very pleasant walk round St James Park, Green Park, past Buckingham Palace, looking at all the sights. Ended up in Trafalgar Square and thought we’d have a session in the National Gallery.

      This turned out to be a superb choice. For the beginning of the day I had felt annoyingly fuzzy still, but wandering through the gallery looking at the fabulous art was very soothing, and we both got a new lease of life. We efficiently worked our way through almost everything, and found it was 5.30! Without even the tired hips from museum walking! So it was perfect timing to go to nearby Leicester Square for a meal, and then back to St Martin in the Fields in Trafalgar Square for our Bach concert.

      This was divine. I don’t think I’d ever been inside the church itself. Lovely for a concert, good acoustics. It was the London Concertante who were playing, and they played 4 Bach violin (one actually violin and oboe) concertos, and they too put in a few short non Bach “interlopers”, but they were also lovely - Telemann, Corelli, Piazzola. So a lovely day altogether, and here’s hoping we will fall asleep correctly today! (I think Amr already is!). Will include a photo of the new line in London buses - they have gone sleek and curvy!!
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    • Day 2

      25.000 Schritte durch London

      March 3, 2020 in England ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Heute sind wir mit der Bahn zur Tower Bridge gefahren und haben von da alle Londoner Sehenswürdigkeit zu Fuß erkundet. Wir hatten sogar richtig Glück mit dem Wetter - bis auf ein bisschen Nieselregen sind wir trocken geblieben und sogar die Sonne hat sich öfter mal gezeigt.
      Von der Tower Bridge ging’s zum Tower of London und dann zur St. Paul Cathedral. Von da aus sind wir dann zum London Eye gelaufen und über die Brücke zum Parliament gelaufen. Der Big Ben war leider in Baugerüste gehüllt. Dort in der Nähe war dann auch die Westminster Abbey. Danach mussten wir uns erstmal aufwärmen und stärken: in einem gemütlichen kleinen Café gab es Tee mit Scones und Clotted Cream und Backed Tea Cake!
      Weiter ging es danach zum Buckingham Palace und zum Trafalgar Square. Dort sind wir dann in die U-Bahn gestiegen und nach Camden Town gefahren. Das ist ein sehr lustiger Stadtteil mit vielen kleinen verrückten Läden (in den mit amerikanischen Süßigkeiten mussten wir natürlich rein!). Es gibt auch den Camden Market, ein Markt der teilweise draußen und teilweise überdacht ist und auf dem es von essen über Klamotten bis hin zu Deko alles gibt.
      Auf dem Rückweg sind wir dann noch kurz in Kings Cross ausgestiegen und zu Gleis 9 3/4 gegangen 😬
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    • Day 2

      Tag 2 - London bei Nacht

      August 10, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Wir waren erst gegen Mitternacht wieder im Hotel, mit dem Taxi zurück, da wir einfach zu kaputt waren, aber jede Sekunde in der Stadt hat sich gelohnt 🥰❤️😊
      Abensshow, Spaziergang durch einen Teil Londons und die Bildschirme bei NachtRead more

    • I love the Nightlife!

      June 1, 2022 in England ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      25 years on, after working together at the Empire Cinema in Leicester Square the lovely Marta and I finally caught up; where it all happened in front of the Empire Cinema… So fantastic to reminisce and recollect the fun times we had in 1997 when we worked together…

      It seems we both have the same addiction to London and everything Royal which allowed conversation to flow in all directions… Maybe just slightly more vigourous and exuberant after a couple of Aperol spritz’s for the questionable price of £11!

      After dinner we wandered all through Piccadilly circus, Leicester Square and Soho recounting our similar experiences through the years…and beyond *wink wink”😉

      Another big day tomorrow with very high hopes we may catch a glimpse of the lady we all honour for her traditional birthday parade!
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    • Day 4

      Cigars at the Ritz

      June 15, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      The cigar sommelier (yeah, he’s got a pin just like a wine sommelier) welcomed Ralph by name when we arrived.

      It’s a very small world. One other couple is here, and they’re from San Rafael!! Unreal to share stories about mutual friends and mutual high schools.Read more

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