Porto de Sorrento

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    • Hari 2

      Day one is done

      21 Mei 2023, Itali ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      It’s only been a day?? Day one felt like an endless loop of exhaustion, adrenaline, and more exhaustion. Haha Crazy to think we started this morning having a cappuccino in Amsterdam and ended it by going to dinner on the water in Sorrento. We are quite sleep deprived, getting our rest in every which way possible(check photos). We made the most of it though, enjoyed dinner at Restorante Ruccio with kitties at our feet and a very generous courtesy ride from our new friend “papa” (he worked at the restaurant). And yes , yes we of course got gelato from papa’s daughter, Alessandra. It was splendid!! Goodnight from tre Donne Italia💟🇮🇹Baca lagi

    • Hari 25

      Day Twenty-Five: Sorrento

      9 April, Itali ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Even without partying, both Ethan and I were so tired. I tried my best, and I did get to sleep for a little bit, which is nice. Another long bus ride. I have never listened to so much music. But it's nice to jam and just relax to some awesome views. And holy seeing Sorrento for the first time was crazy. It is just a city built right up to a cliff over the ocean. I guess i really have a think for cliff side cities ahah. This time we actually got to stop at the hostel before going out. I was just chilling on my phone but actually just passed out and had a quick power nap. This sickness has been kicking my ass. But we met up with some guys and went to the coast just to check it out, and Sorrento is built literally right up to the edge, I'm surprised no buildings have collapsed into the ocean. Also, the water was super clear and blue; I was thinking, and I believe this is the first place I've been to that has really clear water. But dinner was a good find, we went to this random Italian place and it was nice and quiet; mostly because we were eating at 6:30 and 8:00 like everyone else. But we split a bottle of wine and had some nice pasta. I had this lemon cream one with shrimp. Very good. Fun fact about cream sauce here authentic cream sauce has no cream, it's cheese and pasta water. Afterward, we just headed back and passed out again. The sickness just doesn't stop.Baca lagi

    • Hari 8

      Lördag 20/5 Sorrento

      20 Mei 2023, Itali ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Vi vaknade upp till ett regnigt Sorrento och klädde på oss ordentligt redan till frukosten. Pia anförde oss under exkursionen av Sorrento.

      Sorrento har Italiens vackraste kuststräcka som dessutom är klassad som världsarv av UNESCO. Staden har c:a 16.000 invånare.

      Det hade slutat regna när vi gav oss iväg.

      Vi låg på redden så det var tenderbåt in till kajen som gällde. Sorrento ligger en trappa upp, högt uppe på klippan så vi tog hissen upp till stan.

      Vi passerade en kyrka där det förbereddes för ett bröllop och när vi först passerade kyrkan klockan 10:40 så var många av gästerna redan samlade. När vi sedan gick tillbaka till båten, klockan 12:40 var vigseln ännu inte avslutad.

      Det fanns givetvis de vanliga gränderna där det såldes allehanda varor. Mycket med citroner: Limoncello, förkläden, keramik mm. Här fanns nästan inga inkastare så man kunde drista sig att stanna och titta på sådant som var intressant utan att bli

      Även om det var mulet så var det varmt och jag ångrade mitt klädval med jeans och jacka.

      Pia hade ordnat så att vi fick göra ett besök på bryggan och träffa den finske men svensktalande kaptenen. Vi var där när det var dags att lägga ut och till vår ära gjorde kaptenen en 360 graders sväng, ’a full donut’, innan vi anträdde resan till nästa mål.

      Den sedvanliga underhållningen efter vår middag var återigen den jobbiga stand-up-artisten så vi lyssnade på honom i sådär 5 minuter innan vi gick därifrån.

      Kvällens disko var en timme med bara ABBA-låtar. Pia var uppe på dansgolvet hela tiden vi var där medan vi andra gjorde små inhopp där.
      Det blir nog inte fler disco under resan.
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    • Hari 1

      First stop, AMALFI COAST

      27 Julai 2022, Itali ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      We have arrived in Italy! Staying in a small town right infront mount Vesuvius, which made the enormous unannounced fireworks show a bit alarming on our first night here, hearing loud explosions whilst trying to sleep beneath an active volcano isn’t the most relaxing experience. Sorento is the best town in amalfi by far, way more relaxed and a lot more to do!Baca lagi

    • Hari 6


      4 Oktober 2018, Itali ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Eine Stadt auf Felsen gebaut 😃

      Ohhhh wie wundervoll ist diese Stadt und dann noch dieses Wetter. Ein Traum 🌞 Leider waren wir nur bis 14 Uhr mit dem Schiff vor Anker. Ich hab mich mit meiner Arbeit beeilt und bin um 11 Uhr schnell rausgegangen. Hab dort eine leckere Pizza und ein Eis zum Nachtisch gegessen - mjami. Hinter jeder Ecke gab es so schöne Dinge zu sehen, wäre gern da geblieben.Baca lagi

    • Hari 24

      Cinque Fotigrafies-Sorrento Day 1

      7 Mei 2022, Itali ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      This was our first day on mainland Italy. We arrived to Port in Naples around 8 a.m. after a night at sea on a ferry from Palermo. I was a bit dubious about getting much quality sleep as the seas were rolling a bit. Neither of us suffer from motion sickness, but I do get a bit unnerved by the unevenness of the motion, not unlike my response to turbulence in the air.

      I woke up to the light coming in from the porthole and got up to look outside. It turns out that we were approaching the isle of Capri. That passage will likely be the closest that we get to Capri, but it was fun to see it.

      When we disembarked from the ferry, the next task was to find the commuter ferry from Naples to Sorrento. Google maps saved the day, and we easily found the ticket office about fifteen minutes later. I hadn't booked the connecting ferry until 11 a.m., but the ticket agent let us book the 9 a.m. to Sorrento for a modest fee.

      The ride on the commuter ferry was fun. It was a fast passenger ferry and we cruised along the shoreline at a pretty good clip. Our first glimpse of Sorrento was inspiring as we saw buildings built into the cliffs and walls that reminded me of castles from Game of Thrones.

      As we pulled up to port, we started to map the address, but as I looked up from the dock, I recognized our inn from photos. We confirmed the address and, sure enough, our place of lodging was only about 100 meters from the marina. In retrospect, the lodging house is called Marina Piccolo (small marina) so it makes sense that it was close by

      When we arrived at our accommodations, we met Alice. We were hoping to just drop out backpacks off, but it turns out that our room was ready and she let us move in after a tour of the facility and area restaurant suggestions. She was really quite lovely and welcoming.

      Our room is spectacular. We face the bay and Mt. Vesuvius. The song of the dance of the waves on the shore adds to the tranquility of the place. And most of the city is nestled on the cliffs above us.

      We learned that there are only two ways to get to the upper city: the stairs or a lift that connects you to the public garden. We decided to check out the lift and ventured in search of a local laundromat. As has been true for a good part of our trip, the rains have stalked us from Portland.
      Luckily, Alice had made sure that we had an umbrella, and we found a site to do laundry.
      When we arrived, a young Australian couple helped us navigate how the machines worked. We learned that they had both quit their jobs, and they told us that they were exploring Europe ".. until their money ran out." They alerted us to avoid a specific washing machine. In turn, we paid the information forward by helping another traveling young man navigate the machines.

      Walking the streets of Sorrento is festive with many shops and restaurants luring you to their spaces. The old buildings are interspersed with the new, and I love the integration.

      As we returned back toward our hotel, we opted to try some pizza, the food that this region is famous for creating. When we asked the server how big the pizzas were, he replied that they were single serving size. They were huge and tasty, and despite having leftovers, to-go boxes do not seem to be in custom here. We capped the meal with limoncello shots.

      After a nap, we held a family Zoom call with Genevieve, Olive and my mother as an early Mother's Day greeting and catch up.

      We opted for a late night dinner at the beach. We were the last reservation of the night, and the service was disorganized, but gracious. It should be noted that traveling in Sorrento is a bit like the DownEast Mainer expression, "You can't get there from heah." Although we could see the restaurant from our accommodation, the route to get there was a little tricky as we have to travel up and around a cliff to get back to the shore.

      It's time for bed. I go to sleep with gratitude that the travel gods were looking out for us. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Buona Notte! 💞
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    • Hari 25

      Cinque Fotagrafie-Sorrento Day 2

      8 Mei 2022, Itali ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Buona festa della mamma a tutte le mamme e a coloro che hanno ricoperto il ruolo di mamme.

      We are having a lovefest with Sorrento. Today we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day thar contrasted the local weather reports. We started the day with a substantive breakfast on the rooftop terrace of the Inn. The service here is generous and friendly.

      The city plazas were bustling with tourists from cruise ships. Jim C went to view the Roman ruins (circa 150 A.D.) where Queen Giovanna escaped the summer heat. I remained at the inn and we met at one of the main plazas at noon.

      While waiting for Jim, I overheard a woman switching from Italian to English, as she tried to explain to her Italian companions the phrase "to put on lipstick as they attempted to repeat it. At one point, I laughed while this exchange was happening, and the woman asked if I spoke English. I told her that I was from the states, and she explained that she was originally from Torinto. She complimented me on my ability to speak English and she told her friends in Italian that I was a good English speaker. I guess nearly 64 years of practice has some benefit.

      I didn't know that Mother's Day is also celebrated in Italy (and many other European countries), and it was fun to see tourists and locals alike celebrating their mothers. The market where craftspeople were selling their wares was lively and packed.

      Jim and I people watched and drank cappuccino freddo, a really delicious blended ice coffee layered on top of cappuccino. We also sampled French fries with a lemon pepper cheese sauce before heading off to wander the city streets.

      On our walk, we discovered a lemon and orange garden where a vendor offered limoncello and other liquors. We purchased a bottle of mandarin- flavored digestive, and we hope to share it with Jim's sisters next week when they join us in Tuscany.

      We decided to check our David's Gelateria who Rick Steve's billed as producing the best gelato in the city. We can offer no dispute- the flavors were amazing. Jim C has become partial to coffee/pistachio and I have really loved the fruit flavors like strawberry and mango.

      After returning to our room, we enjoyed a long nap, and then we watched the changing sky, a spectacular rainbow and the setting sun.

      We wrapped the evening with an extended dinner at Donna Sofia, a restaurant dedicated to Sofia Loren. We were seated in a courtyard; the food and ambience were lovely and relaxed.

      We had a sweet walk home, and we enjoyed the quiet streets as we made out way back while noticing lightning flashes from moody Mt. Vesuvius across the bay. Buona Notte, friends.
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