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    • Day 46

      Sorrento Swim

      September 19, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Just wow! I hopped on the bus back to Sorrento and found this spot on the peninsula to swim!! And it's gorgeous 😍 the water was turquoise and the almost pool thing surrounded by cliffs was amazing. Definitely the highlight of my day 🤗🤗Read more

    • Day 16–17

      Enge Gassen 😳 & Zitronen

      May 24 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Wir starten Richtung Salerno, das Navi würde uns drum herum schicken, aber ich will die Durchfahrt probieren. 🫣 schlechte Wahl: viel Verkehr, und kaum etwas zu sehen. Es bestätigt sich wieder, dass Italiens Verkehrsteilnehmer zu 90% aus potentiellen Mördern und Selbstmördern bestehen. 🙄

      Gabi möchte unbedingt nach Vietri sul Mare. Porzellanhauptstadt von Süditalien. Und tatsächlich, nachdem uns Gabi durch viel zu enge Gassen auf den viel zu kleinen Parkplatz gelotst hat, finden wir eine wunderschöne Altstadt mit unzähligen kleinen Porzellanläden vor, die die schwierige Anfahrt wieder wettmachen. Nach den Souvenireinkäufen machen wir es uns im Hafen noch bei einer Pizza gemütlich.

      An der Amalfiküste gibts ein generelles Fahrverbot für Wohnmobile, weshalb wir unseren heutigen Campingplatz bei Sorrent über die andere Seite anfahren müssen. Die Einfahrt in den Platz erfordert wieder Millimeterarbeit, und bringt ein paar neue graue Haare. 😱

      Nach dem obligatorischen Begrüßungsbier gehts in die Altstadt. Dort stellen wir fest, dass es unglaublich ist, wieviele kleine Shops in so wenige kleine enge Gässchen passen. 😀 Geschäft reiht sich an Geschäft. Zitronen sind das vorherrschende Motiv. Egal ob beim auch hier vorkommenden Porzellan, bei den Seifen, beim Limoncello oder den Kleidern und T-shirts. Auch Schürzen oder Geschirrtücher mit Zitronenmotiven gibt es.

      Wir kaufen natürlich wieder Souvenirs ein. Schön langsam müssen wir das Gewicht im Auge behalten. Der Camper hat ein höchst zulässiges Gesamtgewicht von 3.500 kg. 😆

      Im Restaurant danach, sind auch die Gnocci sowie der Fisch mit Zitronen verfeinert. 😋
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    • Day 20

      Terrazza delle Sirene

      June 7 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Dinner with a view to die for. Amazing ricotta ravioli and bubbles with raspberries.....what more could a girl ask for!.........apparantly the tables with a view are not for solo dinners! Just as well, it's deliciousRead more

    • Day 8

      Lördag 20/5 Sorrento

      May 20, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Vi vaknade upp till ett regnigt Sorrento och klädde på oss ordentligt redan till frukosten. Pia anförde oss under exkursionen av Sorrento.

      Sorrento har Italiens vackraste kuststräcka som dessutom är klassad som världsarv av UNESCO. Staden har c:a 16.000 invånare.

      Det hade slutat regna när vi gav oss iväg.

      Vi låg på redden så det var tenderbåt in till kajen som gällde. Sorrento ligger en trappa upp, högt uppe på klippan så vi tog hissen upp till stan.

      Vi passerade en kyrka där det förbereddes för ett bröllop och när vi först passerade kyrkan klockan 10:40 så var många av gästerna redan samlade. När vi sedan gick tillbaka till båten, klockan 12:40 var vigseln ännu inte avslutad.

      Det fanns givetvis de vanliga gränderna där det såldes allehanda varor. Mycket med citroner: Limoncello, förkläden, keramik mm. Här fanns nästan inga inkastare så man kunde drista sig att stanna och titta på sådant som var intressant utan att bli

      Även om det var mulet så var det varmt och jag ångrade mitt klädval med jeans och jacka.

      Pia hade ordnat så att vi fick göra ett besök på bryggan och träffa den finske men svensktalande kaptenen. Vi var där när det var dags att lägga ut och till vår ära gjorde kaptenen en 360 graders sväng, ’a full donut’, innan vi anträdde resan till nästa mål.

      Den sedvanliga underhållningen efter vår middag var återigen den jobbiga stand-up-artisten så vi lyssnade på honom i sådär 5 minuter innan vi gick därifrån.

      Kvällens disko var en timme med bara ABBA-låtar. Pia var uppe på dansgolvet hela tiden vi var där medan vi andra gjorde små inhopp där.
      Det blir nog inte fler disco under resan.
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    • Day 27

      Naples 3

      May 20 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Sorrento - the original!
      A beautiful day in Sorrento. We travelled by ferry which was lovely, but would have been better without haziness, and with sunshine sparkling on the blue waters of Bay of Naples - but you can't have everything I guess!
      The port at Sorrento is at the base of towering cliffs, but fortunately someone thought to put in a lift! Lots of people sunning themselves in the beach clubs and enjoying the waters - made me wish I'd brought my bathers (I have been lugging them around for 4 weeks!).
      Not surprisingly Sorrento was bursting with tourists, but we entered the fray with gusto enjoying a bit of retail therapy. And we found a lovely restaurant tucked away off the tourist trail.
      Ferry trip back to Naples later in the afternoon, and after visiting some key locations- the Galleria ( which does look more than a little like Milan's galleria and even a bit like Melbourne's Block Arcade) and Piazza Plebiscito (which does have a passing resemblance to St Peter's Square) I took the chance to add to our presepe collection.
      Dinner in after another long day.
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    • Day 7

      Winding our way to Sorrento

      July 21, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      We continued along the winding road to another picturesque coastal town, Sorrento. Along the way, I was able to catch a shot of the “human head” rock formation along the cliffside.

      In the middle of the town square is a monument for Torquato Tasso, a very rich man in this area responsible for the growth of Sorrento. From this monument, there are pedestrian streets filled with food vendors, leather goods, and cafés. I tried my first Limoncello sorbet and it was like heaven.

      We were mesmerized by how reasonably priced the leather goods were and had to bring a few new, unique leather bags home. The bright colors in the fabrics were also in Sorrento and I finally found my blue and yellow lemon patterned dress 👗!!! The narrow streets were bustling with people and every so often the smell of lemon or pizza would fill the air. We had limited time and by this point had not eaten, so we walked into a random sandwich shop and had them make “whatever” for us. This whatever turned into an artisanal loaf with prosciutto and fresh mozzarella cheese drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette. Delish!
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    • Day 12


      May 29 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Wir fahren mir dem Hotelshuttle nach Sorrento. Das ist eine entspannte mediterrane Stadt mit breiten Flaniermeilen, aber auch engen Gäschen mit kleinen Geschäften und Lokalen. Die Stadt thront auf einem Felssockel über dem Meer. Vom Stadtpark hat man einen guten Blick auf die tiefer gelegenen Bagni. Diese liegen aufgrund des Platzmangels gleich neben dem Hafen, von dem die Fähren zu den verschiedenen Inseln und Orten der Amalfiküste weggehen.
      Wir flanieren bis Mittag durch das Städtchen und auch Gaby kommt zum ausgiebigen Shopping Genuß.
      Der Nachmittag gehört dem Pool mit dem großartigen Ausblick auf den Golf von Neapel.
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    • Day 12

      Ciao Sorrento!

      July 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Travel day! We said goodbye to Rome this morning. Fun stop on the trip, but we’re ready to stop the hustle from one historic site to the next and just relax again in our final stop of Sorrento. We caught an early (but not too early train). All in all it will be about 3 hours of travel; a short local train ride followed by an hour train to Naples, short layover, and an hour train to Sorrento. Very happy to be navigating with all our luggage now despite the extra weight. Also had a pretty good breakfast at the train station; highlights were the fruit / jam / cheese on a pancake and Becky’s Nutella donut sandwich. She was quite excited not to get any chocolate on her white shirt. Since we splurged for the business tickets on the first train, we also got a decent boxed meal. I get pretty anxious around travel, specifically until I’m on the right plane / train / automobile. Beyond a few minor incidents (local Italian train doors open and close very quickly, and get your beautiful wife stuck in them), the travel was pretty uneventful.

      We’re staying at the Grande Hotel de la Ville, and managed to drop of our bags before lunch. My initial impression of the town is that it felt a little more like the Caribbean than the other places we’ve been in Italy. Not sure I can describe why, though once we started walking around and got to the shopping areas the vibe changed back to feel more European. Lots of tiny streets with tiny shops. Lemons are a big deal here: lemon art, lemon candy, and of course limoncello, of which I see a bunch of in our future.

      After lunch it was time to relax, which is the big theme of our last stop. We left the tiny but well located Rome apartment behind for a hotel with possibly the best rooftop I’ve ever been on. There’s a pool, patio, and bar that are surprisingly pretty empty. We’re 6 stories up and maybe two blocks from the water, but because the coast is reasonably mountainous we can seemingly see for miles. My phone seems to think we’re 200 to 250 feet above sea level. The Gulf of Napoli opens up before us, Mount Vesuvius off in the distance, and a bunch of towns littered across the coast and the peaks. Midjourney describes the view as “a balcony overlooking the ocean, in the style of monsù desiderio, cinematic view, transavanguardia, hikecore”. Couldn’t have said it better myself. After a quick swim, we discovered the roof is a great place to fall asleep to the sounds of waves, boats, Vespas, and Dave snoring.

      We had dinner at a beach club (place you can essentially rent space / chairs by the beach for the day) called Bagni Sant’Anna. Remember how high up our hotel was? Yeah that means dinner was climbing all the way down to the beach. The area is known for lots of stairs, and lived up to its reputation. But the views of the sunset on the way down to and during dinner were impressive. We paid for the ambiance, but the food was quite good as well. Fried calamari, sea urchin risotto, potato crusted cod, and some fish we had never heard of were the standouts. The suckling pig was ok. Apparently in this former fishing village, you should still order the seafood. We rewarded ourselves for making it back up all those stairs with some gelato. The place claimed to be the “worlds best ice cream”, which is probably a stretch, but it was probably the best gelato of the trip.

      And now it’s off to bed so we can get well rested for tomorrows boat day! Ciao!
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    • Day 11

      Sorrento- Highlight: Pizza Making

      July 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Positano experienced high winds and every ferry leaving the town was cancelled. Good thing we only planned to take this and didn’t book our tickets yet. We headed back to Sorrento taking two different buses to get there. Luckily it was only +26 today since we have to wait an hour for a late bus outside. We packed in to both buses standing once again holding on for dear life through the swerving roads but made it. Had a very nice pasta lunch then explored the local markets and checked in to our new hotel. Matt is over the moon since it has a tub he kind of fits in. Tonight we joined a pizza making tour group that went to a local farm which was a 20 min drive up the mountain. Here we made pizza dough (that they later feed to their animals since it wasn’t great). Using their dough we successfully launched our dough in the air. We also enjoyed food grown from the farm including their own unlimited red wine, sour cherry juice, the biggest basil you’d ever see, limoncello, charcuterie board and a cake. Matt was labelled “Disaster Matt” since our group had two Matt’s. Overall 10/10 experience and a lovely day.Read more

    • Day 19

      Sorrento Beach Day

      June 5 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Graham and the kids set off for Bagni Regina Giovanna Beach. They had to head down the alley to the beach then climb across the rocks but they said it was worth it. Until the crowds arrived. Brett jumped off a cliff to thrill the crowd.
      This afternoon we headed down to the beach clubs at the Port for happy hour(s). Well we are on holiday! Graham and the kids walked up the stairs but as I'm still not well I got pointed to the lift. And then the fun began. Firstly, why are all you youngsters catching the lift? You are young and fit - climb the stairs. I would be if I could. The queue to get in the lift was like the Hunger Games, and anyone who knows me knows that my biggest peeve is people trying to push in. So the lady behind me thinks she will try her luck. This will not end well for her. I had the stance of a dancer waiting for her music to start - one leg out to the side, one elbow out the other. She gave it a red hot shot a couple of times, but it was not happening on my watch. Luckily for all I got sent to a line in front of a lift and my last view was her trying to push her way onto the other lift and the attendant sending her back. You can imagine how happy I was on my lift ride up.
      The highlight of my day (apart from the lady getting kicked off the lift) was the lemon sponge cake. I am so easily impressed.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Sorrento, Sorrent, Sorrente, סורנטו, सोरेन्टो, RRO, ソレント, Surriento, Сорренто

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