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    • Dag 7


      17 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Wunderbare Besichtigung dieser sehr schönen Stadt. Einfach grossartig.😊
      Ciutadella de Menorca ist eine Hafenstadt an der Westküste von Menorca (Minorca), das zur spanischen Inselgruppe der Balearen gehört. Sie ist bekannt für ihr Altstadtviertel mit mittelalterlichen Straßen. Um die Plaça des Born, den Hauptplatz der Stadt, verteilen sich das gotische Rathaus und die Paläste Palau de Salort und Palau Torresaura aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. In der Kathedrale Santa Maria de Ciutadella (14. Jh.) gibt es einen prächtigen Marmoraltar und die barocke Capella de les Animes (Kapelle der Seelen) zu besichtigen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 1


      10 oktober 2019, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      On our first full day we met up with Mark and set off for Cuitadella at the other end of the island. On the way we had a few recommendations, though first we headed up the highest point El Toro, for amazing panoramic views, if you could avoid the telecom masts!
      Back down we explored the museum of antiquities with a very fine display of local crafts along with a few ceramics, including some with turquoise bronze glaze, as part of a special exhibition.
      Across the main road in El Marcadal, we stopped at a little patisserie where we bought some delights for Toni and Jen.
      We then continued to our destination. On the way we stopped at one of the unique to Menorca ancient burial constructions which date from several centuries bc.
      First impression was of a picturesque town with market and open squares. Just a short walk from where we parked, we found a cafe where we had a light lunch. In the afternoon we visited the cathedral and very interesting museum in a cloisters.
      On the way back we turned north and stopped at a very pleasant town of Fornells for a coffee. Then we took a different road back which took us along the quayside of Mao.
      This evening we wandered along to Calles de Fonts where we sat and had Pomada, local gin and lemonade , very pleasant. A little further round we stopped at Dinkum to eat, run by an Aussie of course. J had sole, me the slow roasted lamb shoulder, washed down with the house Rioja, followed by lemon meringue, all delicious.
      Meer informatie

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