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    • Day 39–42


      May 9 in England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      In der Stadt hat es schon unglaublich viel Touristen. Wie ist es hier im Sommer? Universität ist wirklich sehr schön. Auch hier gibt es Studentenprotesten wegen Palästina aber sehr friedlich.

      Die Mathematiker-Brücke gehört zu den bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Universität Cambridge. Um sie rankt sich eine Legende, in der Sir Isaac Newton eine tragende Rolle spielt: Es heißt, der Wissenschaftler habe den Steg erbaut, um damit die Gesetze der Schwerkraft zu demonstrieren. Dies wäre jedoch eine wahre Meisterleistung gewesen, denn der große Physiker und Mathematiker war bereits seit über 20 Jahren tot, als die Brücke konstruiert wurde.
      In Wahrheit wurde die Mathematiker-Brücke im Jahr 1749 von James Essex dem Jüngeren erbaut und später in identischer Weise zwei Mal wieder aufgebaut. Die Brücke wirkt wie ein Bogen über den Fluss. Bei genauerem Hinsehen erkennt man jedoch, dass sie ausschließlich aus geraden Balken besteht. Diese sind so intelligent angeordnet, dass eine stabile, bogenförmige Konstruktion entsteht.
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    • Day 31

      Day 30 Cambridge, Uk

      January 6 in England ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      The second incredible day in Cambridge. What a beautiful city and so much to see and do (although punting on the river is out as it appears to be in flood). We began the day with a Chelsea bun at Fitzbillies before going off for some serious retail therapy as the shops are so cool. The Grand Arcade had many of the big stores but in every lane and alleyway there were interesting little gift and clothing shops. Town was a lot busier today and it was a very pleasant morning. There were people everywhere and many on bikes, which is the main way the students get around as they are not permitted to have cars. We met up with David at 1 pm for a frustrating time looking for a table for lunch even though there are heaps of eating places. Everywhere was full with many queues outside. We finally settled on Gail’s, a cafe chain that Alanna frequents in London. It actually was pretty good and all we needed. Amongst all the beautiful architecture we found the Corpus Clock, also known as the Grasshopper clock, which is a large sculptural clock at Corpus Christi College. We then visited Kings College Chapel. We had thought the admission cost was expensive but it was so worth it as it was an exquisite church, with the features being the stained glass windows and the ceiling. We also got to look around the grounds and they too were stunning. We spent some more time wandering the shops before stopping at two well known bars, The Maypole and The Eagle for drinks. We carried on from there for a delicious Indian meal in a busy restaurant, The Tiffin Truck. The food and service were excellent. As usual we had finished our dinner very early as a consequence of it getting dark so early in the afternoon and thinking then that it is so much later. Anyway we slowly made our way back to the house, having walked more than 21000 steps, making plans to get Alanna to the train by 10 30 in the morning. We will be driving south of London to Rye for two days.Read more

    • Day 3–4


      July 31, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Bien-sûr, on est ici pour visiter l'université d'Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking et Charles Darwin (et bien d'autres). Cambridge est la 2e plus vieille université de l'Angleterre (1209 AD) après Oxford et la 5e plus vieille au monde. Quoi de mieux qu'un tour en bateau sur le canal (avec ses petits ponts) pour voir tous ces magnifiques édifices. On finit ça par un tour organisé dans la ville historique avec visite de la chapelle du King's College. Bien hâte de comparer avec Oxford.Read more

    • Day 3

      Singapore - Cambridge (Monday)

      August 7, 2023 in England

      14-hour flight to Heathrow
      caught a coach to Cambridge (dropped Thaxted visitors off on the way)
      Derry Morton picked us up from hall - then met rest of the family.

      stayed with Riley Smith, Daniel Hornbuckle and rod Hurrell.

      Had people in for the evening.
      - Laurie & Charlotte Smith (with Tristan and Brittany)
      - Mark Marsh (W/Kingsley)
      - Joanne Marsh (W/ Callam)
      - Kester Fentiman (W/sage)
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