East Coast

Ağustos 2013
Mommy Traveling Pants tarafından 17 günlük bir macera Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 1

    Niagara Falls, ON

    2 Ağustos 2013, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We are finally on way to our 16 day adventure. Everyone has been so excited. The Beast is pack with room to spare. First stop Niagara Falls. I have to type this fast because we will be in Canada shortly and I don't want to be on international minutes. yikes.
    My brother has been staying with us which has been great to spend time with him. I am relieved that he will be staying with our dogs while we are gone. The dogs were freaking out. At least in my eyes. sniff.
    We are trying to get cross the border before rush hour. We'll see. We are also trying to make it to the fireworks show and Falls lights tonight. Woo hoo eh?
    I will update daily where we are. Please check back and see what our adventure brings us. Right now it's bringing us traffic on 94. phhffftt.
    Let us know if you visit. If you sign up on Travelpod and subscribe to my blog, you'll get updates as I post.
    See you in 16 days!!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 2

    Niagara Falls, NY

    3 Ağustos 2013, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Geo: 43.0955, -79.0559

    Weather- 77 and sunny
    [PHOTO_ID_L=niagara-falls-movie.jpg] We had a great first day of driving. The kids worked on their first location in the book I made for them. Believe it or not they liked it. Then they watched a movie about Niagara Falls (twice). Nice intro to where we were going. They got excited when they saw things when we got there. What a great visit to Niagara Falls, Ontario . We arrived around 7 PM to the Marriott Gateway Fallsview. It is a very nice hotel. We did not have a fallsview room but[PHOTO_ID_R=hotel-with-a-view.jpg] every window in the place has an incredible view. We stepped out of the front door and could almost feel the mist from the Horseshoe Falls. There is a beautiful walkway and park above the waterfront that takes you to the road that leads to the o. The Falls are amazing. The amount of water and power is extraordinary. We walked all the way to the top of the Horseshoe Falls. On the way there was a downpour. We had a blast in the 5 minute downpour and enjoyed the rest of the walk. We had a late dinner in the hotel. We watched the fireworks from the observation deck in the restaurant. What a great start to our trip.Today we are learning the best way to get across the border to the US on the Rainbow Bridge.. What a nightmare and it is only 8:30 AM. Here is a suggestion, get to the Hard Rock Cafe downtown. [PHOTO_ID_L=falling-rain.jpg] There is a park a block away where you can turn around and get into the border line via a stop light. DO NOT take 402. Massive one lane backup. Paul's aggressive driving took us through the Falls lane to Hard Rock where we figured out a better way. Most people are still sitting in the other line. Ugh. We are going to do the Maid of the Mist and the Cave of the Winds (hopefully) on the New York side. We wanted to get across the border and beat the crowds to these places.
    We are finding that this trip not only has learning experiences in regards to the places we visit but teaching moments for life. For instance, hotel etiquette. We don't go to hotels often if at all. We usually rent houses. So the kids are learning that there are lots of people around and we need to be quiet and respectful. We are also learning how to...well, BE QUIET when there are other people in the room trying to sleep! We won't mention which child (ben) couldn't lay still (ben) and sounded like he was running a marathon in the sheets. Paul and I laid there quietly at first. It got so ridiculous that both ended up laughing hysterically which then wound them up again. Then that child (ben) ended up on the floor next to me "ah-hemming" to get my attention because he and the other boy (Matt) couldn't share the wonderful down comforter. It took one mommy threat to get another room for them and all went quiet. Either Paul heard nothing (zzzz) or he was in avoidance mode. Oh yeah, and this morning the first child mentioned (ben) graced us with his version of a rooster wake-up call at some unGodly hour which he conveniently doesn't remember. Phhffft.
    I will update our day in the next post. Thanks for reading.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 2

    Albany, NY

    3 Ağustos 2013, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Geo: 42.6514, -73.7553

    We are finishing Day 2 in Albany, NY. Gorgeous day. 77 and blueskies. Perfect. We started at Maid of the Mist. I was forewarned to start out early to miss the crowds and lines. We in fact missed the lines. The ride was amazing. I always wanted to go on the Maid of the Mist. It was really a breathtaking experience. We passed the American Falls first which are smaller but no less amazing. The boat then takes you right into the mist of the Horseshoe Falls. It is like being in a torrential rainstorm. Super fun and super cool. The kids loved it. They each have water cameras. There will be a lot of the same pix of Mist. Ha. [PHOTO_ID_R=maid-of-the-mist.jpg]

    [PHOTO_ID_L=water-of-the-winds.jpg] Then we hiked over to the Cave of the Winds though there is no cave. There is lots of wind and water though. It should be called Winds of Water or for short, Hurricane. This was really an awesome thing to do. You literally hike up a wooden staircase built over and around the falls. The water pours onto the decks in some spots. You can feel the rush and power. At the top is the Hurricane spot. Holy Crap! You've never done anything ike this or seen anything like this unless you stood outside during Hurricane Sandy. You are as close as you can possibly be without being crushed by the water. I can't post pictures right in there because I was protecting my cameras...and clothes. All for naught. Thank goodness I thought to buy water proof bags for cameras and wallets for Paul and I. They worked. We were soaked even though they give you rain ponchos and water sandals. Pretty nice shoes for giveaways. A MUST DO!

    [PHOTO_ID_L=quarry-mining.jpg] So we headed out to make it to one of our Roadtrippers.com odd locations before it closed. We went crystal mining. A little place an hour outside of Albany. A nice lady greeted us, gave us our tools and sent us off to a quarry field or many different quarry fields to dig away. We found little bits of crystals. It was fun and a neat experience. [PHOTO_ID_R=diamond-mining.jpg]

    Last stop for the night, Albany, New York. GPS directed us via the colorful route through the city which slightly concerned us. We aren't too obvious in our whooped up van. We made it to the Capital Building but at dusk, we weren't too certain we should be dancing around the capital grounds. We decided morning would be better. We got ourselves to our hotel in a much better part of town lively and hopping. We pulled into the hotel driveway only to find we had a fast leak in our tire. Seriously. Hey we are not happy but going with the flow. It was right at the hotel. Good news. We have road service with our new van. Good news. They have room service. Great news. The spare tire in our car is a regular size tire. Great news! Especially since tomorrow is Sunday. Amen! Hallelua! [PHOTO_ID_R=our-little-bedbugs.jpg]

    In bed now. All three kids are sharing a bed and I haven't heard a peep. Happy happy joy joy.
    Tomorrow off to Burlington Vermont through the Adirondack mountains. Ben & Jerrys here we come.

    Good night.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 3

    Burlington, VT

    4 Ağustos 2013, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Geo: 44.4758, -73.2132

    We casually woke up this morning and had breakfast at the hotel. Even though our tire was fixed, we decided it would be a good idea to get a new spare tire considering we have 13 more days through the mountains, through rural little town America, across bridges, along coastlines and through big cities so we ended the tireless discussion and had the spare fixed. It took only 45 minutes, on a Sunday mind you, and off we headed to Burlington Vermont.

    Along the way, we detoured to a Western Town suggested by Roadtrippers.com a mile off of our route which was closed for the season. I am not sure what season it's open. One of us is missing something. So we stopped at a goofy little mini-golf and had ourselves a round and a visit to their haunted house (ooo scary-not so much). We had a cheesy fun time.

    Back on the road, we had to find our route across Lake Champlaine to Vermont. Ferries are the common route but it would cost us 40 dollars to cross the van and I felt there was a better way (to spend our money...on mini golf, a haunted house, a martini I had later). So I discovered that they had recently built (which could mean a month ago or a 5 years ago, I didn't do heavy research) a bridge across in Crown Point. So we let Google maps take us there. We hoped it was actually there. Then we found out Verizon doesn't go there. Maps still works and our OnStar has been helping us. I think OnStar might send us a farmer on a tractor if we need help. They sent us a great guy at 10 PM last night to change our tire which apparently was a feat with our van.

    So we meandering through rolling hills, up into the mountains and across the farm lands of Upsate New York. There was little town after little town all of which said, The Historic Town of... What could be historic other than the old man on the rocker on the big white porch? By the time you realize it was a historic town and had an interest in knowing why, you were out of it.

    We passed by a farm that caught our eye. There were rows and rows of cows. Big ones, medium ones and little ones. It was the little ones that made Elizabeth squeal, "Daddy can we stop??!!" I was the icing. "Yeah, Honey, can we??!!" Yaaayy!
    He gladly stopped and we jumped out to see them. A young man, a farmer there named Andy walked up and said we could look. There were dozens and dozens of 6 month old calves eating. So cute. it was a dairy farm that serves Cabot Cheese company in Vermont. We are going to attempt to visit the factory. It is on our route. They also had little babies in a separate barn. There was one born 3 days ago. Most were jittery at first but some licked you like a puppy. So cute. Andy was great. He told the kids about the cows. He has a degree in the field from University of Vermont. Who'da thunk it being covered in menuer and his drawl accent. Pretty cool. Don't judge a boot covered in poop. He told us to hit Church Street in Burlington.

    Roadtrippers also pointed out the Vermont Teddy Bear factory along our route. YAY! We didn't make it in time for a factory tour but their store was open to browse.
    It is a modest factory where they hand make their bears. Really neat actually. Fun but simple.

    We made it to Burlington and what a great place. Do you like Petosky? Harbor Springs? Traverse City? All rolled into one. We took a lap around the University of Vermont referring back to Andy. We were hungry and could possibly eat before 9 for a change (we are 6 o'clock eaters at home). Church Street was awesome.
    On a Sunday evening, it was just hopping with people, restaurants and music. We happened upon a music concert going on called Festival of Fools. How'd they know we were coming. There were these crazy characters and aliens singing and dancing. Felt a little Twilight Zone. The kids loved it. We had dinner outside at an Irish Pub. We made a run (literally) for the waterfront for a Burlington sunset (blocks downhill ignoring the fact that what is going down quickly must come back up sloooww We headed to our hotel just outside of town. Quality Inn. Eh.

    Tomorrow, we are very excited for the Ben & Jerry's factory. Ice cream dance. Boothbay Maine is our next stop for a couple of days.

    Turning in now. Sorry there is so much detail. Two reasons. One, they input pictures within the writing if you add detail. Two, I can turn this into a memory book later.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 4

    Ben and Jerry’s, VT

    5 Ağustos 2013, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Geo: 43.8514, -69.6283

    Weather: low 70s and sunny

    Casual wake up and breakfast in the hotel. Free breakfast again! Gotta love that. Hotel-wise, you win some, you lose some. This one wasn't terrible but to not for the memory books. Paul called it the Quality Inn the lobby and breakfast room only. Go for cheap, feel cheap.

    Off to...Ben & Jerrys!!! Ice Cream before noon! Life is good. What a fun place. We took the tour of the factory and had a tasting of their salty caramel ice cream. Oh my. Yummy. Then Matty and I had some chocolate peanut butter heaven in a cone, Daddy and E got a raspberry smoothie and Ben got a Cherry Garcia. Fun morning.

    Today we were on our way to Boothbay Harbor, Maine. 6 hour drive. Big driving day. Along the way, we did stop in Montpelier, Vermont's state capital. Paul and the boys played catch on the lawn of the Capital building while Elizabeth and I sat on a bench chatting until...remember the raspberry smoothie?... until Elizabeth decided my white pants needed some color. Happy dance. Got most of it out grumbling along the way. We are living out of the trunk of the van. Wouldn't you grumble a little?
    We went inside the Capital Building to browse around. It is the only capital building that doesn't have security. You can wander all over the building even when senators are there voting. Weird. It was very cool to see the House and Senate Chambers. They appeared to have the original desks and chairs that they sit at or at the least, very old. We got a stamp from the Sergeant at Arms saying we visited the capital. Apparently there is a booklet in which you collect stamps from the S at A at each capital building. A woman in front of us bought the last one. Would you believe she was from MIchigan? We had him give us a stamp on a business card to stick in the book when we find one.

    Then the drive of all drives. The roads are windy and rolling. Barf. I napped part of the way. I get car sick. The kids watched a couple of movies. Quiet. Ahhh. We drove and drove and drove some more. We left Vermont behind and wound our way across New Hampshire.

    Around 7 PM we finally reached Boothbay Harbor Maine. What a cute and beautiful little town. Exactly what you'd picture Maine to be. Beautiful blue water filled with sailboats and fishing boats. Homes lining the shores and restaurant decks dotting the shoreline in between. We rented a cottage at Harborfield Inn. It is a cute cedar shaker cottage on the more rustic side over-looking Boothbay. Beautiful. Perfect.[PHOTO_ID_L=dinner-at-the-lobster-dock.jpg] Before we settled in, we drove back into town and had dinner at the Lobster Dock as suggested by our cottage neighbor next door, Rick and his two dogs, Riley and Clover. It was also quite Mainely perfect. A lobster shack (nicer casual) where you order up live lobster and they cook it right there. We had lobster, mussels in wine sauce, calamari, corn on the cob and sangria. Perfecto!

    Now we've settled in here for a couple nights. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings. Too busy to miss home right now. We just keep moving forward in our adventure to see our beautiful country. I can't believe I'm saying this but this is as great or better than Italy. Our country is so beautiful.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 5

    Boothbay Harbor, ME

    6 Ağustos 2013, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Geo: 43.8514, -69.6283

    Weather: 77 and sunny and perfect

    We couldn't ask for a more picturesque place and better weather. Our cottage is rustic and charming. The views are priceless. The town of Boothbay is beautiful, artsy, harborish and perfect. We are having a...well the only way to describe it is, a lovely time. We have spent two nights here. Today we explored the property here and moseyed on into town.

    The kids and I woke up around 7. I made my coffee and made them some hot chocolate and we sat on the deck and tried to take mental photographs of the scene before us. Peace and picturesque...until MATTHEW decides to speak loud enough for the lobster fisherman to hear him in the bay. How many times we have to tell him not to share our conversations with the world...the universe. We wandered down to the dock to take a closer look at the water and the boats. The kids met an 11 year old girl named Katie in the next cottage who lives in Brooklyn and comes here every year. She took the kids to the cove where kids can swim. Later the kids took us to see it. They were baffled because where there was sand was now water. Matthew says, "That's weird. This doesn't look the same. There was sand." I realized he meant that the tide had come in. They didn't know what a tide was. So I tried to explain while their interest drifted off to soaking their clothes while I tried not to fall in or break my ankle on the giant rocks.

    Late morning, we went into Boothbay Harbor to see about some kind of boat trip around the Harbor. We had a lobster, crabcake and shrimp lunch on the water before our boat trip. We wandered through shops and tried some chocolate bacon popcorn but Ben and I decided it just tasted like burnt chocolate popcorn. We always have high hopes for bacon anything. Bacon! The boat ride was peaceful (aside from Matthew talking through the whole thing). We went out to Mouse Island and Squirrel Island and a couple of others. We got a little history about Maine and it's harbor.

    Back at the cottage, the kids were excited to get back to the cove and get wet. So we went over with Katie. What to my wondering city eyes, there was no water. Well there was water but there was a beach. The tide had gone out leaving sand, rocks, shells, crabs, hermit crabs and other sea life. Awesome. A teacher's delight. We caught crabs and beachcombed for a while. Literally, where there was a tiny peak of rock in the water in the morning was an island now. The kids could walk across the cove. Blew my mind. We don't get to experience that in Michigan like that often. Paul brought a glass of wine down and we wandered with the kids. Perfection.

    We went back to our deck and had some cheese, salami and fruit snacks on the deck with the kids and enjoy watching the bay change with the sinking sun. We went into town to an Italian Restaurant for dinner. We felt like we were on Restaurant Impossible. No one was in there and that made us nervous. The lady asked if we wanted cracked pepper but it would work so she went to get another and Elizabeth whispered, "maybe it doesn't work because no one has eaten here in so long." This followed some of daddy's bad jokes about the restaurant. We sat by the water and watched the tide come back in. Beached boats and docks were floating again by the time we left. The food was good (nothing special). It was called Amore. Paul thought it should be called Alesse. It was fine. Too funny as we were leaving there was a statue resembling Matthew. Today on the deck, I turned around to find Matthew peeing off into the woods with a cottage above full of people on the deck. WTH! You men! He did know that wasn't ok since I told him to pee in the cove earlier, WHERE NOONE WAS AROUND! Jeez. When I saw him and heard all the people just above us, I hollered so abruptly that he nearly snapped his shorts shut midstream. Uh.

    After dinner, we took a walk through a neighborhood to make a loop across a footbridge that crosses the bay and headed back through town back to our car. Nice evening.

    Tomorrow we pack up and hit the road again through New Hampshire toward Boston. Not sure where we are staying yet. We'll let you know tomorrow. Happy trails.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 7

    Boston, MA

    8 Ağustos 2013, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Geo: 42.3585, -71.0596

    Weather 75 and sunny and warm.

    [PHOTO_ID_L=katie-from-brooklyn.jpg] We said goodbye to our little friend Katie and We left Harborfields Housekeeping Cottages satisfied with our visit and excited for our next adventure. Each time we stop, if feels like another vacation. We don't look back and we keep pushing forward. The weather has been glorious. I would recommend this trip to anyone. We are all having the time of our lives. We are destined for Boston tonight. We will be there for three nights... maybe. We are always open for a change of plans.

    The kids have been doing their State Books to learn about each place we are going and watching the movie about the location. We have them buy a postcard in each state, write something to themselves and send it from that state. When we get home, we'll string them together into a memory book.

    [PHOTO_ID_R=a-dip-in-the-atlantic.jpg] We made a pitstop at Hampton Beach in New Hampshire to let the kids swim in the Atlantic Ocean. Not my cup of ocean water. It is a crowded beach town with one too many people wearing way too little. Gag. I am well beyond the busy spring break beach town vacation. The kids had fun swimming. Paul pulled daddy duty and jumped waves with Ben while I guarded our beach blanket. I think I saw Girls Gone Wild filming there ;)
    We stayed for a couple of hours and I was running in front of the van trying to get out of there as fast as I could.[PHOTO_ID_L=monet-view.jpg]

    We have arrived in Bahston. We are staying at the Renaissance Marriott Waterfront with views of[PHOTO_ID_R=arrived-at-renaissance-waterfront.jpg] downtown Bahston and Hahbah views. It's beautiful. Our hotel is really nice. We walked into Faneuil Hall district. That building has been their for 250 years and is now filled with stores and fast food. Crazy. History is rolling in their graves. What a great area full of people and restaurants and music. [PHOTO_ID_L=a-little-presecco-toast.jpg] We stopped for apps and a drink along the way. The kids found a cool jumping fountain and tried to beat the squirts. The best part is how it brings people together, makes kids happy and makes everyone laugh. After such a long day, we were all tired so we cabbed it home. The bed feels nice.

    Tomorrow morning we are going to meet Cherylann, the founder of Project Just Because. She bought 100 of my books to raise money and awareness for her charity. Then we explore Bahston!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Boston, MA

    9 Ağustos 2013, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    Geo: 42.3477, -71.0395

    Weather 77-81 mostly cloudy, peeks of sun and warm

    [PHOTO_ID_L=project-just-because.jpg] Another great day. We started it early with a drive out to Hopkinton just outside of Boston to visit Project Just Because. I found Cherylann Walsh, founder of Project Just Because, googling my book "Just Because" on the internet. A couple of emails later, a book and a letter sent and an excited phone call from Cherylann, a connection was made. She has an amazing charity to help those in need in the Boston area. [PHOTO_ID_R=cherylann-showing-us-around.jpg] She invited us to visit her on our travels. What an amazing visit. First of all, I told the kids that from my phone call with her, she seems like a friendly and loving person. That is just the icing. She is the most delightful person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Secondly, she told me so modestly that she was just a homegrown little charity. Again, icing. She is doing wonderful things. First off, she has a sign bigger than the McDonalds sign down the road and she takes up 1/2 of the building she's in with boxes filled with toys and clothes for the homeless, school kids, abused women, tragedy stricken families, holiday gifting and more. You have never seen so many plastic storage boxes in your life. She helps 15,000 kids in her holiday gifting program and I think, around 2,000 back to school backpacks. I don't know how she does it. She is an inspiration. A couple of months ago, she bought 100 of my books to raise money and awareness for her cause. Our missions are so aligned and it is amazing we were able to make a connection.[PHOTO_ID_L=panorama-of-another-couple-of-rooms.jpg]

    She gave the kids (and us) a wonderful tour of her facility. She really knows how to relate to the kids. The kids listened intently and asked good questions. I forgot to mention that I threatened their lives (in so many words) before we arrived. Though, unintentionally, I thought Matthew might knock one of the boxes onto his head. Karma was on his side today. :) We all had a great time.[PHOTO_ID_R=group-pic.jpg]

    We headed back for Boston feeling inspired and grateful. The next part of the day was spent on a two-day trolley tour of Boston. It is a 2-3 hour trolley ride and Duck boat tour that takes you from the Harbor to Harvard and everything in between. You can hop on and off where you choose. [PHOTO_ID_L=elizabeth-s-idea.jpg] Our first stop was at the USS Constitution. One of the oldest naval ships still afloat. It is a cross between a pirate ship and a colonial ship. Pretty cool. We were in line to go through a full body search, ok, metal detectors like the airport and licenses and the guard tells us they were closing it for 15 minutes and it would be another 45 before we could get in. 3 kids 45 minutes in line armed guards = moving right along. So we left the line and went to the USS Constitution museum next door.

    [PHOTO_ID_L=museum.jpg] The museum is free (donations encouraged). That's nice but I didn't have my hopes up for anything exciting. Much to my surprise, it is a really cool museum. Glad we donated. Really clean, nice exhibits, hands on for the kids, kids could pretend to be a sailor. Totally cool museum. Highly recommended. [PHOTO_ID_R=sailors.jpg]

    Hopped back on the Trolley for the Dumb Boats, I mean the Duck Boats. [PHOTO_ID_L=duck-boat.jpg] Booooring, really. (Similar to a 3 hour tour, Dave, around Manhattan, Dave, some years back, Dave.) The Duck boat goes really slow and if you have a bad tour guy-de, even more boooriing. I'm not saying we had to wake up the Harbor but when you feel like rocking back and forth to get it to move faster, that's bad. They are buses that drive on land and float on water. It was fine and our guides were ok. He had it bad because we were the only ones who spoke english on the tour. Which means WE had it bad because we had to laugh at his bad jokes. The kids were a dead giveaway when they'd squint and cock their heads with that "what?" look. Quick elbow to the rib.

    Last stop today was dinner at Cheers. Not the original door front. They've watered it down to various locations around town. I felt a little guilty being there. Hunger won...no hungry kids won. Good news and bad news. The food took a long time to come out because "the kitchen lost the order." I was a waitress. That is code for "I messed up." Good news, we got our meal comped. Cheers!

    [PHOTO_ID_L=pool-time.jpg] A little swim in a really nice pool in the hotel. Ok, I sat in a chair and watched. Who else would take pictures? Now back in my glorious bed. Let me tell you how glorious. They have a brochure in which you can order the entire bed, sheets, pillows and duvet for about $3,000 delivered to your house. We took the brochure. So good night Dumb Boats, hello duck duvets.

    Tomorrow is another day in Boston.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Boston, MA

    9 Ağustos 2013, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    Geo: 42.3585, -71.0596

    Weather 100% rain but warm

    [PHOTO_ID_L=rain-won-t-keep-us-down.jpg] Day started out rainy and continued to be rainy all day. It was warm though. So we put on our rain coats and enjoyed Bahston like all the other Bahstonians. Worked out great because we still had our second day on trolleys. Kept us dry and took us all over Boston.

    We had some interesting Trolley drivers today. One of them was an older gentleman. Not sure about the gentleman part. He was irritated when people in the back were talking in the back (which wasn't offensive to me) and asked them to stop 3 times and followed up with, "maybe the next war they will be on our side." (which was offensive) They were Middle Eastern. The next one was an odd guy who seemed distracted when talking to him. Then he got off the bus and disappeared. He returned 5 minutes later with a bag of food from Cheesecake Factory. While he was driving he kept sipping from a water bottle. Not drinking from a water bottle. Sipping. Like you would if it were drinking...VODKA?! It wasn't clear like water. No kidding, I really believe he was not drinking water. Sip. Sip, sip. Sip. Cap back on. A few miles. Sip. Sip, sip, sip. Weirdo. The next guy, it was his birthday. I think he announced this for tip sake. He was nice. While other drivers waited for other bus connectors to come and pick up their riders, he leaves so he has an empty bus. Too funny. The last driver was just pure offensive making communist comments and ripping on the mayor or governor and other races. Crazy.

    This trolley tour took us to the state capital. We did have to go through security [PHOTO_ID_R=capital-building.jpg] (unlike Vermont's capital). Then we went to Harvard's campus. Much like U of M, it is sprawled all over the city. We do have to say that this is a really nice city from corner to corner. It is safe, clean and nice people everywhere. This is really a great city. We had lunch on Harvard Campus at a Mongolian BBQ type place and hopped the trolley for home. There is a separate Cambridge/Harvard trolley loop. They drop you to pick up another trolley. We [PHOTO_ID_L=cheers.jpg] got off one at the original Cheers bar to pick up another and it wasn't coming. Come to find out a beer truck got in an accident and was dangling over an overpass. The only thing holding them from crashing down was the beer. It was on the news. Traffic was horrendous. We decided not to wait and start walking because even if we got on one, the traffic was so backed up, we'd be sitting there for days. It was a terrible walk. We saw the location of the Boston Tea Party. Pretty cool.

    Back at the hotel, we decided not to head out again and order pizza in and watch tv for the first time in 7 days. Literally. Now we are at the pool again. Tomorrow we head out for Cape Cod, Rhode Island and Connecticut. We will spend the night in Connecticut.
    Okumaya devam et